Thursday, January 11, 2007

Welcome to the fresh

For those of you who have known me, or of me, for a while this new blog will be a very different experience from what you're used to seeing from me.

Do I still party? Yes, of course, when I have time, but the masses of debauchery I knew in the past are gone. Sensuality has replaced raw sexuality. On some occasions though, I will indulge in the lushness of a beautiful girl or several, with or without my girlfriend. She is free to do the same but at the end of the day, we alone share love as a couple, in every way. It's time for me to grow up and this new blog will reflect that.

I've discovered the joy of love, the challenge of rewarding work, and a fresh view of the world as one of endless possibilities. No, I haven't found religion, and it's nothing like becoming boring and old. There simply comes a time in most peoples' lives when they see what is really important in the core of themselves.

This time has come and I embrace it with all my heart.


LW said...

I'm so happy for you that you've found love. I hope your new path leads you true.


Vulvanist said...

Thanks Daniel. It's looking good so far and the future will take care of itself as it always does.

xx Lisa

Kollaps said...

This words comes from the heart and go directly to the heart.
The most importat think when we growing up, is growing up without becoming older.

Actually, I still prefer to live as I used to do 'till now (I'm 35). It's funny. Yeah, I have also connection with people that growing up with me (I mean...growing with love and affection) and this is really important. But PEOPLE, not a person. I think I will do party (yep, not your kind of...yeah, also your kind, when happen, but I speak about livin' in the mood for) for the rest of my life. Life's too short to take seriously something that could disapear without advise like love. Each day a fall in love with 3 or 4 different girls (yeah, they don't know!).
That's all.

In this post my nickname is Ciccio, but I use to comment your photos as Kollaps.
Have a good one, Lisa.
And next time you will come in Italy, give me a call for a big party (my kind of...drinkin' and goin' around with my Vespa or my Mini Cooper old-skool for clubs and having good times with interesting people)!
Kollaps (Federico)

Vulvanist said...

Hey, cheers Federico.

Yeah staying young is the only way to live. The body's gonna age but the mind can be young until the day you die.
Enjoy your parties and thanks for your words.

xx Lisa