Thursday, March 22, 2007

Lisa's funeral

*** What follows is an excerpt from an email I sent to a friend of Lisa and Ayumi regarding Lisa’s funeral. Rewriting this would be like grinding salt into an open wound, so I’ve pasted directly. I trust, and hope, you will understand. ***

Please note: This is posted by Marc, a friend of Lisa and Ayumi, owing to Yumi’s current state.

“Lisa’s funeral was a non-religious affair so there was a ceremony led by principals of Lisa’s company, and some words from friends and colleagues; Rodney spoke, shakily, about his long association and friendship with Lisa. He spoke for almost thirty minutes and told a few stories that made me smile, and others that drove into my heart. Nobody in the room had a dry eye.

Yumi sat beside Lisa’s casket, her hand touching the wood and her head bowed, for the entire ceremony. She neither spoke nor looked at anyone and when it was over, a couple of us took her arm and led her to the car. She hasn’t said more than a dozen words since Saturday. Her grief is absolute.

At the crematorium things went quite quickly, and relatively painlessly, but the part afterwards, a traditional Japanese custom where relatives (usually, although Lisa had none) use chopsticks to retrieve remaining bones from the ashes, took place after a few hours and was harrowing. Yumi attended to this herself, with a little help from friends. It was such a relief when it ended.

And now, a few days later, Yumi is still not speaking much but she has taken some food and even slept a little. The company, Rodney especially, have been wonderful. While ‘officially’ Yumi was not related to Lisa, they understand the relationship and are taking pains to be sensitive. The reading of the will takes place tomorrow (Wednesday March 21st). I’ll wait for that to finish then I must return to Hong Kong.

As a sort of ‘biographer’ of Lisa and friend, albeit as creator of a fictionalized account as requested before her passing, I’ve been given access to events which would otherwise have been less open. It’s given me a chance, at least, to lend some comfort to Yumi.

Now that the funeral is passed, Yumi can begin to grieve properly and to, hopefully, recover. I always pass your wishes to her. She doesn’t show anything but I know it will help in the long run.”

Ayumi has a will of iron and an inner strength which has been tested to its limit of late. I, as many friends do, have confidence that she will draw strength from friends and from herself, and become the dazzling Ayumi with whom Lisa fell, so deeply and completely, in love. She may not be the same, but she will always be, Ayumi.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lisa go away

Little writing. Lisa go away. Machine off. So sorry cannot but must say friend Lisa go away.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

so sorry the sad news

Dear friend of Lisa Yumi,

So sorry so bad the news. I return Tokyo hospital the early today plane, Rodney wait me tell Lisa having problem in early morning time. Didn't want telling me the phone.

Doctor say Lisa have the brain some blood run out inside make her falling down sleep. Lisa now the long sleep doctor saying, maybe wait long time she didn't come back. Cannot saying. Doctor telling me can happen the hit the head make later the hurt inside can see.

I stay Lisa little time must go Sendai back the shoot. Doctor say ok go, no change maybe long time. Hospital test say some hurt the brain the blood doing. I go back the shoot try write little bit if the time have. Little bit the blog. Please if write me the email wait little bit maybe cannot the writing so fast you.

Hope Lisa coming back maybe this time didn't coming back us. Hope Lisa.

Love all friend

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

work call me back

Tonight feel difficult time. Lisa no change the memory the walk, all same.

Agent phone me say the film the shoot begin the next day. I say cannot, agent saying must do maybe career die no do. Director say Yumi don't working he the next times I staying Tokyo.

I talkng Rodney, he the minder he the called, say must go the shoot. He take care Lisa ok. So I going the shoot of film. Must be go maybe all the week little more maybe.

Maybe cannot the write so many time I go. Please forgive I write little the week. Missing the friend so long go the shoot. Heart of me fly the home of friend stay.

I write the reply after return the shooting. So sorry friend need the wait long maybe little.

Now sleeping the morning sunshine bring many work must doing.

Love all the friend. Kiss also hug all beautiful friend.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Yumi awaking also

Lisa same today. She talking many thing but memory no work. People they from Lisa company visiting many time she cannot know they from. Lisa cannot the walking maybe after. She read hard her doing. Cannot understand writing the business. Maybe after.

I think many thing the long night time. Say to me many thing inside the head. Yumi no the people cry. I say me "Yumi, stopping the cry be the strong womans no be stupid. Lisa will better. All people having some bad the life. The next day be Yumi, no weeping afraid little girl."

Morning come this day Yumi walk out the hospital do many thing like doing. I old home look many thing. Look Lisa photo play Yumi. I play Yumi climb mountain feeling good climb many peak the mountain. Cannot walking take the resting.

Shopping, talk many people the phone. Visit new house no climb mountain new house, save Lisa.

Hospital after better feeling see Lisa different look. Yumi no cry more time. Strong now Lisa seeing strong Yumi help.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lisa waking - good bad also

Lisa wake now. She didn't memory me now. She smile me some time like the strange people, not knowing Yumi. Doctor say some time it the normal thing happen. He don't knowing many day, little day this thing.

Lisa cannot walking still the bed she need staying many day. Back of she hurt the kick doctor say. Leg may weak fall down. She try the walk fall down bump the head. Lisa mouth move the sound didn't come out. Doctor say the hitting maybe damage talk cannot. See after talk. She cry the pain many piece the body of her. Many medicine doctor giving. Yumi cry cannot talking Lisa, she didn't know Yumi also cannot have the eye free the tear.

Good news also. New house the worker finish. I looking careful all piece must perfect Lisa me. Good work he do. Music all work all place in house. I Lisa slipper and slipper belong me by door so heart travel to that place the couple house.

Friday, February 23, 2007

soon begin new life

Today I see Lisa eye the first time many day. Early now she do not say the word. Do not knowing the head ok thinking the old thing. Maybe soon know this thing.

No matter the head ok no ok, Yumi can take Lisa in the arm hold tight the love of me.

Soon maybe we the new home, we the shoe together by door.

Thank use the picture belong sympathy the flickr. So beautiful all the picture there.

the new house

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lisa - little improve

Lisa little better today. Middle day heart stopping one time. Doctor see say expect little bit. I ask he write.

This he write. "Lisa is in a critical but quite stable condition. Due to stresses on her body from multiple site traumas she is working fulltime to effect repairs. Intermittent heart failures are not as serious as could be as they are stoppages rather than seizures. Effective monitoring and prompt action is obviating serious damage from oxygen starvation to the brain, and attendant functional failures. As Lisa remains unconscious it is difficult to provide a full prognosis however, physically the prognosis is good for a full or close to full recovery. Scans of the brain suggest normal or close to normal function in all regions has been maintained but any proper reassessment will only be possible once the patient is conscious. Once essential internals repairs are affected Lisa should, it is hoped, return to a fully conscious state. It is not possible to predict when this may take place."

I hoping doctor correct Lisa return me soon. I write this all blog so sorry hard write always new thing for read.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Lisa - news

**message from Yumi**

Lisa no awake many hour. Last night she die one times, doctor make living say ok no more die maybe. Yumi cry many time, eye all time wet, no sleeping sit Lisa, hand hold in dark. Hospital make bed me by Lisa bed stay hospital all time.

My Lisa so many tube the machine breath sounding the robot the cartoon.

Wish she open the eye smile me one time. Heart feel the pain, the head is go around like the bird in summer typhoon. Eat yes ok, sleep little bit. I don’t leaving here.

So sorry the write so bad.

Company will official thing say today. They writing more good of me.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lisa finding - bad hurt but no die

*message from Yumi*

17th February morning - old man walk dog finding Lisa. She laying the long grass by train line. She is live but hurt from beat up. She hospital no awake.

Lisa wake little with ambulance riding hospital, talk ambulance man, then no awake again.

Talk the doctor he say some bad some ok, when she awake he don’t knowing, they many test the hospital, maybe many day my Lisa back me. She live is good no die by evil man.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lisa missing

*from Lisa gf Yumi*

To all the friend,

Lisa missing. Do not know where Lisa. Here the part the announce of company…

“…as of 5:30pm (Tokyo time), 14th February, 2007, our CEO, Ms. Lisa S*******, has been unable to be contacted. Ms. S*******’s traveling companion informed local authorites of her disappearence at approximately 11:00pm on 14th February.

Ms. S*******’s mobile phone and PDA were found in her unlocked car, but not her handbag (a plain black leather, marked ‘Prada’ approx. 30cmx15cm) or her notebook computer bag containing a white ‘Macbook Pro’ computer which were known to be with her when she was last seen. The car keys were still in the ignition. No signs of foul play are evident. However, local authorities are following all avenues of enquiry.

At this time authorities are unable to make any definite announcements.

We hope this situation will be quickly resolved and that Ms. S******* will return safely.

If anyone has any information…”

Please I wishing you make pray Lisa ok come home. I tell if hear any thing.

My heart to you,

Yumi (

Monday, February 12, 2007


Originally uploaded by Danz in Tokyo.
There are some unbelievably gorgeous girls on the pages of flickr and this one is among the most beautiful I've yet seen.

I have my sweet and irresistable Yumi.

My eye though sees beauty everywhere and I feel so lucky to have beauty in my home and all around me.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

onsen - hot spa

If only once in your life, you must spend some time in an onsen (Japanese hot spa).

It is the most gorgeous feeling, sensuous and decadent.

At the place we're staying they also have green tea baths and I have never felt so pampered and alive.

We both so needed this getaway and I just had to share a little of the feeling. Once this dream finishes, I'll try to write something about the experience although I don't know if I'll be able to find the words.

love to all, Yumi and Lisa xxx

Saturday, February 10, 2007

walking on sunshine

Soppy girl alert:

For the next day or two I am taking my Yumi away so we can catch up.

I have messages to catch up on but, with all respect, they will have to wait until we return. It's been a while since we had a few days really away and we're going to enjoy them, just me and my girl, an onsen, and love day and night; relaxation for a while.

Love to all my friends. Rest easy and I'll be back real soon. *warm smiles and kisses from Lisa and Yumi*

photograph used under creative commons and owned by joka2000. thanks.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

finally back

After a while away, too long, I'm back in Tokyo. It's a lot cooler than Hong Kong but I can take anything now that I'm here.

I've been over to look at the new place and it's coming along wonderfully.

More than anything else, Yumi is back tonight and have I got a welcome for her. It'll be late and she'll be tired so low lights, soft music, some wine, a nice warm bath, and bed.

Tomorrow we have a whole day out planned, shopping and just messing about.

It's so good to be back!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

zen on the roof

On the larger of our roof terraces, in the new apartment, we decided to have built, a Zen garden. Both Yumi and I need a space for quiet thoughts and solitude so we looked at several layouts and chose one, enclosed in glass for use in any season, and with music. It should be glorious.

We have drawn inspiration from many areas and the Ryogen-in Zen Garden has some elements that we both love.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

shanghai - bright lights, busy streets

Shanghai is a busy, bright, shiny new city that has been dragged into the modern world.

It is trying desperately to be a European kind of cosmopolitan and it is, up to a point, in certain linited areas.

Go beyond the bright city centre, and the lovely 'Bund' , full of classic buildings, and that's where the gloss rubs off. In time it may change but, as they say, 'it's a nice place to visit but...'

It ain't no Tokyo!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

we love this style of room

I saw a picture on flickr thought the style was just beautiful so I let Yumi know about it. She agrees and we're going to have the decorators do something very similar in the new apartment.

The title on flickr is "cafe_Chiitsu-an"

Originally uploaded by ku_ma.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

where the girls are

A fascinating blog that showcases the online presences of women from all over this world.

Justine or devifemme, her online name, writes with wit and insight about the women she 'collects'.

There is so much to look at on this site that one look-in is just not enough. You'll find yourself going back again and again.

Check out 'where the girls are'

Great job Justine!!

great opportunity for artists

The Saatchi Gallery is an online gallery.

It's a continuous exhibition allowing artists and aspiring artists to display up to 8 pieces of their art on the website, on their own page. I saw this on flickr's Art & Artists group and from what I've seen it's quite an opportunity for exposure.

If you're an artist or if you aspire to be one but need a space online, this could be great for you.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

say it every day

You read things and see movies about people who find someone who changes their life in unexpected ways.

It really does happen.

To Yumi, who came along at a time when pressures of business were threatening to see me falling back into old ways and making some very, very bad decisions; I want to thank you for stopping the decline and letting me see what can be achieved with a partner who's just perfect.

I love YU(MI).

Thursday, January 18, 2007

beautiful artistry

The style and artistry of Audrey*Kawasaki is simply awesome (and I mean that in the proper sense - her talent is immense).

The expressions of her 'models' bear so much feeling and the figures are, at once, cheeky and sensual.

Thanks so much to my cute friend Sadie for introducing these wonderful images to me.

Ms Kawasaki's picture shown here is titled Oasobi and can be found on her website.

missing my Yumi

The few days my Yumi is away seem like an eternity.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

a style we love

When talking about the kind of style we'd like for our new place, Yumi and I decided that we'd furnish different areas in different ways to keep things fresh.

So, we'll have two bedrooms we can use according to our mood. One will be Western style (no, I don't mean cowboys) and one will be traditional Japanese style, perfectly authentic.

It's going to be absolutely delicious!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

isn't she lovely

I found this picture on the net. Even before I met Yumi I'd been aware of Ai Otsuka and loved her songs. I don't understand Japanese, yet, but her voice is so cute and she's awfully pretty.

When Yumi sings to herself in the kitchen or in the bathroom, her voice has a similar quality.

we've found a new place

Yumi and I have set the wheels in motion to buy the new flat she spotted on Thursday.

We've been looking around a little today at furniture and decorations; things for the new place. This is the style of bed we like.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Welcome to the fresh

For those of you who have known me, or of me, for a while this new blog will be a very different experience from what you're used to seeing from me.

Do I still party? Yes, of course, when I have time, but the masses of debauchery I knew in the past are gone. Sensuality has replaced raw sexuality. On some occasions though, I will indulge in the lushness of a beautiful girl or several, with or without my girlfriend. She is free to do the same but at the end of the day, we alone share love as a couple, in every way. It's time for me to grow up and this new blog will reflect that.

I've discovered the joy of love, the challenge of rewarding work, and a fresh view of the world as one of endless possibilities. No, I haven't found religion, and it's nothing like becoming boring and old. There simply comes a time in most peoples' lives when they see what is really important in the core of themselves.

This time has come and I embrace it with all my heart.